23 Apr 2024

Election Gambling: Pink and Happy Wrote Off Serbian Radical Party’s Multi-Million Debt

TV stations Pink and Happy wrote off a debt of around 100 million RSD, owed by the Serbian Radical Party.…
25 Jan 2024

After the December elections, the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media (REM) published a report on how certain media outlets reported during the campaign. The report did not include data for television stations with national broadcasting licenses, as REM claimed that such data did not exist. This, however, was not true. CINS reveals what these data show.

29 Nov 2023

Near the Port of Belgrade, tucked away from the public eye, there is a large call center. From there, more than 100 people call citizens every day to ask them if they will vote for the Serbian Progressive Party in the upcoming elections. It is a well-organized group, and the way they work raises suspicions of vote buying and funding using “black money”. Everything was witnessed first-hand by a CINS journalist who was briefly part of this group.