Ivana joined CINS as an intern in March 2022, after which she joined the communications team, and since April 2023, she has held the positions of journalist and fact-checker. Her research focuses on the financing of political parties and the media. Ahead of the December 2023 elections, Ivana did an undercover investigation, uncovering voter manipulation, vote buying, and the non-transparent financing of the ruling party. For this investigation, Ivana received the 2024 Ethical Journalism Award presented by Article19, and the third “Dejan Anastasijević” award for investigative journalism, as well as the audience award. Zoomer's editorial team presented her with the most prominent young journalist award in 2023. For a series of articles on political party financing, she and her colleagues won the second EU Investigative Journalism Award in 2023.
During her studies, she specialized in the field of mobile and digital journalism at the University of Tennessee. Prior to joining CINS, she attended numerous investigative journalism training sessions with a special focus on corruption and misuse of public funds.
Ivana is a senior journalism student at the Faculty of Political Sciences, as well as a media literacy coach.